Tuesday, 25 September 2012

Citizen Kane opening

How does Welles create an air of mystery in the opening to Citizen Kane?


The opening shot of the out of focus background gives the feeling of being in a forbidden area. This, coupled with the unnerving music, gives an air of mystery and tension. The slow fade to black and cutaways show that there is a story development yet we, as the audience, have no knowledge of what that development is.  The sudden light switching off shows us that something dramatic has happened and yet we are unsure of what that is. There are lots of extreme close up shots that do not reveal much of the surrounding setting.


Who is the man that dies?

Why does he say “rosebud”?

Why does he have a nurse?

Why is the house so secure?

What is wrong with the man?

Why does the light go out so suddenly?

What does the snow globe symbolise?

Why does the nurse seem so emotionless when she se he’s dead?




Digetic- the sound of the snow globe crashing.

Non-digetic sound – Dramatic music

Set and props

The house and fences were very intimidating which add a sense of mystery and danger to the house. The snow globe plays an important role in the opening scenes . The snow globe is the focus point of the story.


Shot type – the camera tilts up the fence.

Shot composition – Most of the attention in the opening scene is drawn towards the upper right hand corner.

Lighting - the lighting is quite dark and the light in the window adds drama to the scene.

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