Monday 8 October 2012

Prelim. Planning - Shot Demonstrations

Prelim. Planning - Shot Demonstrations

Match On Action
The match on action shot will be demonstrated when the first character opens the door. It will show the character reaching for the door handle from one angle, a mid shot, and then it will cut away to a shot from a different, closer angle, a close up, on the characters hand on the door handle.

A shot/reverse/shot will be demonstrated during the characters conversation. Over the Shoulder Shots will be used during to show the shot/reverse/shot. We will make sure to stick to the 180 degree rule so the viewer will not be confused by the changing shots and character position.

180 Degree Rule
We will demonstrate the 180 degree rule at the same time as the shot/reverse/shot, during the conversation scene. This is a good time to demonstrate it as the shots are constantly changing between two characters, therefore it is important to stick to the 180 degree rule so it does not become confusing.

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